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YCAA: An Evening with author Jane Borodale

TICKETS:* £5.00

Join us for an evening with Jane Borodale, author of The Knot. Set at Lytes Cary Manor on the edge of the Somerset Levels, The Knot is a story of obsession, love and family tension, exploring the life of 16th-century herbalist Henry Lyte.

Jane will give an illustrated talk about her novel, answering questions such as, why was Henry Lyte so forgotten and is his history in safe custody when a novelist gets her hands on it?

She discusses why she believes in historical realism in fiction, plus the power of medicinal herbs, the threat of flooding, and the challenge of writing about real people from the past!

Tickets: £6

A £1 ticket levy is included in all stated ticket prices.

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  • Spotlight March Edition 005

    Spotlight March Edition 005